Our Lighting affiliate has worked with a number of inventors over the past 10 years or more developing various light bulbs and products that are usually years ahead of the major manufacturers. How and why is that possible? They do not have an agenda like the major manufactures of milking the public with unhealthy and in efficient bulbs that will burn out faster so they can sell more bulbs. Inventors usually want to take what is old and make it better adding healthier benefits and of course making them cost effective from an energy consumption side and actual sales side to consumer.
Our partners/inventors have developed some of the most advanced lighting tools in the industry and are being used by the US and International Government agencies, Fortune 50 & 100 companies, hospitals, manufacturers, schools, etc. These bulbs are designed to help increase persons energy levels by providing a light that is as close to natural sun light as possible, while allowing you to be indoors without the harmful effects of the sun’s rays.
Our compact bulbs are some of the most energy efficient bulbs on the market, while also providing a better light to live and work under, resulting in a higher quality of life. Other bulbs offer an effective means of light therapy in treating SAD (seasonal affective disorder), in helping improve test scores in schools by 30% or more, lowering absenteeism and improving efficiency in the work force by 28% or better in each of these areas.
Our lights (tubes) are able to be designed to be shatter proof and designed to operate even when the power is out for at least 1 hour or more for safe evacuation. These same lights once removed from their ballasts still have a glow to them allowing you to walk out of a room or building to safety. They are perfect for areas where natural disasters occur often and also in the
event of a terrorist attack and power outage. All our bulbs are always cool to the touch.