
R&D and Alternative Oppotunities

This group does a tremendous amount of Research and Development within a broad range of technologies, with “outside the box thinking”.  Every day we trumpet the meaning of VISTA with – Vision Integrity, Sciences, Technologies and Alternatives, which is the wheel that drives the ship.  These current and future technologies/products have a keen sense of synergy with our core technologies relating to alternative energy and fuels, while at the same time providing clean potable water within our synergistic process of a “complete solution”.

Other technologies currently developed and being refined will work synergistically with our current technologies so we can offer better products that produce clean drinking water without the high costs traditionally associated with this dwindling natural resource. Some areas include pulling drinking water directly from the air we breathe, brackish waste water from any number of sources including oceans to even commercial and industrial applications. While doing these processes in a very cost effective manner using a number of technologies already developed within our group of partner companies for just pennies per gallon.

Additionally, we are refining developed technologies within the alternative energy sector such as: Solar\Wind Hybrids, Solar Film, Geothermal, Portable Power Plants and Algae production for energy, fuels, human and animal consumption to name a few.  A transportation product which utilizes a number of our current technologies, along with a few common everyday products all in the comfort of existing vehicle designs.  Results are showing mind-blowing distances, speeds require double takes and the efficiency leaves most speechless or saying OMG what just happened.

Some of the other products, services and technologies we will bring to market more heavily in the very near future will be as follows:

A few technologies:

  • Drinking water – Utilizing our numerous technologies, we are able to clean all kinds of water from polluted rivers, lakes, wells, springs and even water from the sea much more economically than the traditional reverse osmosis process. We can also produce water from the atmosphere. For example, our Electro Chemical Activation technology we splits the water molecules in half, (along with other highly complex constituents with beneficial properties) and in the process generate clean, bacteria, virus and spore-free sterilized water.
  • Solar Electric Hybrid Generator, with a 65 to 80 percent plus efficiency range when linked with other VISTA group technologies.
  • Solar Film technology to boost panel efficiencies an additional 12-40 percent with direct or in defused light.
  • Solar\Wind Hybrids, utilizing a number of our technologies in a synergistic fashion resulting in changes that will leave everyone else behind for decades.
  • Portable stand-alone power plants (1-3MWh power generation at 1% capacity), non-polluting environmentally responsible replacement for the internal combustion engine.

These few sample technologies, products and services will ultimately provide our group the means to start adding even more full-time jobs here at home, resulting in a better quality of life for all new associates, which will provide us all to live a more sustainable life.  .

Expanding into Wellness Centers (WC) utilizing our own Alternative type Medical products and services for our own built in client base, our associates.   The WC’s will easily reduce medical costs on average of more than 50% and change the entire health care industry for the better.   These Wellness Centers will showcase how to lower costs and still have the best healthcare in the world.   Each URC plant and manufacturing location will house a WC, along with most all other projects which warrant such facilities.  These WC are also available to the surrounding communities.

We are always looking at various opportunities that will allow us to create excellent paying jobs, provide a higher quality of life which will allow us to live in a more sustainable life still.

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